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Every day is a learning day

Well...can't put it off any more. I need some form of online diary/journal to keep my coursework notes in an easy to find place. So many bits of paper, in so many notebooks, scattered over the house - it's not productive or efficient (which says a lot about me!) 

This blog lark could work for the tech savvy, modern woman...might work for me too 😆

So this is page 1, prob ought to do an 'about me' bit before I forget (ok, so that might have to wait)

I am close to completing Part 1 of the International Diploma of Crochet and need to produce a report as part of it. I have chosen to survey a few crocheters and would love it if you could spare a few mins. Ta!

Here's the link to my crochet survey. It should open in a new window. 

Tune in for more

An Italian restaurant and a glass of plonk awaits 



  1. Hi Sarah, I've completed your questionnaire. Good luck with the Diploma. I'm also doing it but it's taking me forever.

  2. Hi Janice, thank you. Keep going with yours - you can do it :) Are you on Instagram? It's helped me with motivation. There's me @classybird28 and Eleonora @coastalcrochet who post and hashtag #internationaldiplomaincrochet


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